Thursday, January 17, 2008

Sunday, January 13, 2008

王力宏 - 此刻 你心里想起谁

Inspired by a schoolgirl working at a convenience store, Wang Lee Hom churns out a melody so melancholy that it strikes deep into the listener's heart.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Monday, January 07, 2008

Sadistic Pleasure

i didn't know being this tired could actually feel so.......

good. :)

Well, thanks to my colleagues for pulling me back on track. i was derailing fast, too fast for my knowledge, and it was their timely intervention that shook me awake enough to swerve back on course, just as my energy was waning. Now indebted to their rescue efforts, i'm working on wiping the bad taste away.

That's positive work experience.

Hope to persevere through the hardships to come. *gulp*

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Huat Huat 2008!

Yes yes, 2008 has successfully been ushered in! Huat ah!

What a way to do it at that! This being the first outdoor countdown for me since many years back, it was a little culture shock for me to be jostling amongst the countdown crowd. City Hall MRT was swarmed with throngs of people; so was CityLink; so was Esplanade; so was One Fullerton. There were heaps of people to fight through just to get to a destination.

The only obstacle to the New Year countdown

Okay, just kidding. i am not legend.

The night's itinerary was worth the wait and certainly didn't disappoint. No amount of description would do justice to the amazing 8-minute pyrotechnic display, or as i called it, "the little streams of hope".

* i shall withhold the fireworks video for the moment. :p *