Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry



Chuck Levine (played by Adam Sandler) and Larry Valentine (played by Kevin James) are best buddies and two of the best firefighters in New York. After a life-threatening situation in the line of duty, Larry realises that he should start taking precautions for his two children in case he dies in some firefighting mishap. However, he faces a problem around the pension system when he tries to rename his children as his beneficiaries. Facing this circumstance, Larry comes up with a crazy idea to go into domestic partnership with Chuck to beat the pension procedures. Chuck, being a playboy, is reluctant but because Larry saved his life previously, he agrees to the arrangement. They get legally married in Canada to the witness of a Japanese church minister (played by Rob Schneider) so that they can dodge fraud investigators. Going the extra mile, they also engage the services of a beautiful lawyer (played by Jessica Biel) to help in the legal details.

You can almost associate an Adam Sandler movie to something that borders on sexual, racial, political and situational stereotyping. This is no exception, especially with the homosexual theme. Despite being a sensitive topic, the details are cleverly done in a way that breeds humour and avoids any direct confrontation. Credit must be given for that. Some notable scenes in the movie will include the bird's eye view of the Niagara Falls, Rob Schneider's rendition of an obviously Japanese church minister, Adam Sandler grabbing (yes, and fondling) Jessica Biel's ample breasts, and self-proclaimed gay boy Lance Bass of now defunct boyband 'N Sync singing towards the ending of the movie.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Act 1 Chapter 1: Visions

She screamed.

Her upper body jerked upright, head snapping back from the inertia of the action, sending a stinging pain down her neck to her spine. Her black locks swung up from the depressed pillow and curtained over her face, as though to shield her from the impending evil. Beady droplets of sweat formed earlier were already cascading down her face like torrential waters released from a damaged dam. She nervously licked her dry lips, her tongue caught and tingled with the mild salty taste of her perspiration. Every breath she took burned her breathing pipes as her nostrils flared with the tension that overtook her body. She remained motionless in bed for that moment.

The moon was in full bloom, streaks of yellow cut through the still night like a knife through butter, illuminating the darkened sky with its reflected radiance. Wispy clouds occasionally shrouded the moonbeams and eerie shadows sprouted from the ends of the obstructions. She recovered her nerves and choosing to ignore the random patterns of movement displayed by the blocked light, watched the night sky from the comforts of her bed. Every night carried a full moon for the past three months. it was certainly unusual.

it was not just a nightmare. it was a premonition of things to come. Since young she had seen things, events that would reveal themselves as reality in the future. As a little girl barely reaching six years old, she hardly understood what these meant. Terrified, most of the time, she would keep to herself, bearing the weight of this mental burden. Her parents were oblivious to her suffering as they had absolutely no time for her. Father was always working in the fields to better his crop yields for the annual harvest cash rebates that the tax department handed out to peasants with surplus output. Mother spent the daylights out in the Squire's home as a housekeeper and only returned after dusk. Even then she'd be busy with the cooking, their very own household chores and the endless fabric weaving she did as a part-time seamstress for the village. However her grandfather, a gentle, warm but frail man in his mid-eighties, was always home, always watching his beloved granddaughter, and he sensed that something was wrong when she started to lock herself in her room with a regular schedule that would have freaked out the parents. No, not her parents.

He was patient in his coaxing and finally after six long years, she responded to possibly the only person in the world that could relate to her and unlocked her heart's secrets to him. As he listened, his eyes grew wide in amazement as she revealed about her paranormal ability to foretell the future. There were tiny matters like how she anticipated the death of the family's prized cow, and major events like how she foresaw the demise of the King during the winter battle with the Artemians. No matter the subject, every episode was spoken in too great a detail for him to disbelieve. Not that he could because every single recount was not just a mere fictional narration, they were all true occurrences.

He vaguely concluded that these visions seemed to be originating directly from her mind as she could not draw references from anything she had prior knowledge of. He had to get help for his granddaughter, someone who could keep her under tutelage and supervision, someone who possibly could see images of the future as well. But who? He certainly hadn't heard of any such person. And where? The objective looked grim.

Closing her eyes now, she focused her attention on the sequence of events that her mind carried a few minutes ago -

" Huge flame pillars descended from the fiery heavens, torching everything they came into the slightest contact with. innumerable smouldering fireballs rained in supplement to the chaos, crushing and turning structures into molten messes. it was a disorderly sight as the villagers scrambled multi-directionally for their own safety, not wanting to be victims.

Wait a minute, the village, i recognise it! it's my village! What is going on?

Amidst the furore, perched at the top of the cliff overlooking Linden Village, stood an obscure figure. Right fist clenched around a shimmery golden staff that ended off with a red crystal sitting snugly in what looked like an eagle's claw, the silhouette clad in a hooded sleeveless black tunic, with the white seams of the embroidery standing out like chalk markings on a board, was still, as if gazing upon his work of art. Suddenly in a swift motion, the mysterious person pulled a left forearm over the chest to cover the identifying emblem emblazoned onto the right of the chestplate and released the muscled limb, pointing to the village below, as though claiming a masterpiece. A blood-shot glow emanated from the crystal and shot straight into the heavens. The rain of fire turned into a downpour.

Noooooooooooooooo! "

Prison Break

Amidst the massive cryogenic chambers of The Shelf lay various high-tech machinery. Deemed to be threatening to mankind, these robot beings were captured by the very human beings who once believed in them and forcefully frozen to be kept in these containments, perhaps forever.

The Shelf

Though the physical structures were kept way below sub-zero temperatures, the anger still seethed in one. The burning memories of how they were betrayed by the ones who used to trust them clawed at his mechanical mind. Thoughts raged through his central circuitry that turned into electrical pulses, frantically charging and discharging at rapid speeds.

Argghh, the pain!

The eyes glowed ember, then turned fiery red. The routine self-check system activated automatically, scanning the entire mainframe for basic maintenance and debugging. Joints creaked into life as he pressed his face on the icy walls, peering into the frosted environment around him.

Where am i?

i need to get out of here! His instincts were screaming to be released. He noticed his weapon wedged in the corner of the chamber and struggled to get at it, his movements still stiff and jerky. Closing his metal fingers around the handle of the cannon, his confidence started to grow together with his psychomotor actions. Sending a massive surge of electrical energy from his central circuitry, he activated the second function of his cannon. The black tip of the gun split into half, revealing a blue globule of raw energy shaped into a blade. With a calculated move, he slashed into the crevices of the chamber and the backpanel, cleaving an opening. Warm air vacuumed into the chamber and that was all the encouragement he needed. Mustering all his strength, he pushed through the gap until he was out.

Finally, i am free!

He took his time to embrace the warmth surrounding him. His circuitry was now charging normally and for the first time since he woke, he could feel his energy rapidly refuelling. Then he realised he wasn't the only captive. There were rows of cryogenic chambers beside the one that used to be his cell. He looked to the left and saw Payload. To the right contained Wreckage. Decepticons! His eyes narrowed in caution and his mechanisms tensed, rallying himself for any unsuspecting attacks. Am i the only one? The only Autobot? it can't be! There were a few of us! His memory partially returned to him. He remembered the final battle scene where Prime, his leader, was desperately trying to defend his injured comrades from the artillery that the humans were using. They used their nuclear weapons on us? He grabbed his head and sucuumbed to the electronics short-circuiting within his head. But why? Fighting off the terrifying images, he steadied himself and started to locate his leader. He finally spotted Prime's chamber on the higher level. He swung his blade at the confinement. Energy streaks cracked and spitted in all directions. The chamber was barely scratched. it can't be taken down from the outside. i have to get help!

is there anyone who can help?

After trudging for endless days across the ravines and cliffs that enveloped the surroundings, he arrived at the mudflats. At least this would make travelling in vehicle mode easier. He had to get help fast and having a smooth path would certainly expedite his efforts.

Don't worry Prime, i'll be back!

Bumblebee's going to get help! Transform and roll out!


Saturday, September 15, 2007


Nope i didn't score 3 goals. Well i didn't just score 3 goals, but that isn't the point. i played 3 soccer games in a week: 8th, 12th and 15th September.

At first, it started off last Saturday as just another day to do sports and keep fit, so i organised a street soccer game with some of my closest buddies. We had a 3-on-3 for close to 2 hours in the blazing heat. My muscles ached for the entire next day.

Then came Wednesday, a day where full attendance in my camp was required for some major area cleaning. Since it's really rare that we have most of the people around, we decided to kick some ball. That lasted for about an hour. More muscle aching.

Then today, i was invited by one of my campmates to play with his regular soccer gang. Being the soccer enthusiast that i am, i couldn't refuse. Got a surprise when i realised that some of the people playing are, well, uncles. But the surprise didn't end there. Much to my horror for underestimating them, they played brilliant football. Out of the 3 games, this was the one that totally tested me out physically, mentally and tactically. Each touch, each run, each positioning had to be done with precise and meticulous execution. One mistake could be fatally costly for the team. Never had i played under so much pressure before. it has been a long time.

From the remaining 30 over minutes of matchplay between Everton and Manchester United after missing the bulk of the action due to the soccer game i had, i can conclude that this year's title is not for Sir Alex's taking. Simply put, Manchester United is playing a brand of football we critics call, plain lousy. God be with them.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Bleach Movie #1

Attention all Bleach fans:
The long-awaited Bleach movie is finally out! Catch it on http://www.crunchyroll.com/ now!

i'm watching it now. Hehe. Will do an update on its review later.

(Edit)- Warning! May include spoilers.

Bleach Movie 1 - Memories of Nobody

i guessed that with the crawling pace that anime episodes are churning out at, something had to be done to appease anxious fans who are totally frustrated by the ridiculous amounts of fillers that seemed to be neverending. At a time when all hope seemed lost for the original storyline to continue, a path of light illuminated the scene to guide the way.

Ichigo and Rukia meets up with a new "shinigami" Senna in the form of a chiobu with purple hair that is tied up Renji-style most of the time with a ribbon, and orange-coloured eyes. She possesses the zanpakutoh Mirokumaru.

The movie deals with reinforcing past concepts. As a refresher, the Dangai is a scary transit bypass between the real world and Soul Society that has a patrolling force capable of decimating anything it touches.

A new dimension, called Kyogoku, has been created within the Dangai and it has expanded into a connection between the real world and Soul Society. This acts like a lens such that the people in Soul Society can see the real world directly.

The enlarging Kyogoku causes the phenomenon of souls with lost memories, called Blanks, to move in an endless fashion within the Dangai. The Blanks do not continue on into Soul Society and after a long period of time, they gather together at the Kyogoku to prepare for re-entry into the cycle of rebirth. The lost memories of the Blanks gather into one single entity, called the Shinenju or spirit of memories, and heads back into the real world.

And as the plot unfolds, you can roughly tell that Senna is the Shinenju even before the show explains itself.

Ganryuu, leader of the former Gentle Fist family that was banished from Soul Society because of a task failure, plans to capture the Shinenju for revenge to draw the real world and Soul Society together into an imploding collision. As such, it leads into a battle between many shinigamis and the "Dark Ones". it was nice to see them in action again.

To top it all off, it has a really touching ending.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Early Morning Grumbles

i have been more than tolerant with *Hayoo CeoGities. Their petty bandwidth cannot even support a handful of pictures properly without giving up on me.

Now, i'm giving up on them.