Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Bleach Movie #1

Attention all Bleach fans:
The long-awaited Bleach movie is finally out! Catch it on now!

i'm watching it now. Hehe. Will do an update on its review later.

(Edit)- Warning! May include spoilers.

Bleach Movie 1 - Memories of Nobody

i guessed that with the crawling pace that anime episodes are churning out at, something had to be done to appease anxious fans who are totally frustrated by the ridiculous amounts of fillers that seemed to be neverending. At a time when all hope seemed lost for the original storyline to continue, a path of light illuminated the scene to guide the way.

Ichigo and Rukia meets up with a new "shinigami" Senna in the form of a chiobu with purple hair that is tied up Renji-style most of the time with a ribbon, and orange-coloured eyes. She possesses the zanpakutoh Mirokumaru.

The movie deals with reinforcing past concepts. As a refresher, the Dangai is a scary transit bypass between the real world and Soul Society that has a patrolling force capable of decimating anything it touches.

A new dimension, called Kyogoku, has been created within the Dangai and it has expanded into a connection between the real world and Soul Society. This acts like a lens such that the people in Soul Society can see the real world directly.

The enlarging Kyogoku causes the phenomenon of souls with lost memories, called Blanks, to move in an endless fashion within the Dangai. The Blanks do not continue on into Soul Society and after a long period of time, they gather together at the Kyogoku to prepare for re-entry into the cycle of rebirth. The lost memories of the Blanks gather into one single entity, called the Shinenju or spirit of memories, and heads back into the real world.

And as the plot unfolds, you can roughly tell that Senna is the Shinenju even before the show explains itself.

Ganryuu, leader of the former Gentle Fist family that was banished from Soul Society because of a task failure, plans to capture the Shinenju for revenge to draw the real world and Soul Society together into an imploding collision. As such, it leads into a battle between many shinigamis and the "Dark Ones". it was nice to see them in action again.

To top it all off, it has a really touching ending.

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